Earthnet google
Earthnet google

earthnet google

The other interesting thing about Google now is that it is not revealing what it did years ago, as in all of those earlier papers, but what it is doing now to prepare for the future.

#Earthnet google software#

Google is moving out from data processing and the systems software that underpins it and through scheduling and into the network, both in the datacenter and at the edge, as it unveils its handiwork and technical prowess to the world. Two asides: Look at where the problems are. Google has never done a paper on its Colossus or GFS2 file system, the successor to GFS and the underpinning of Spanner, but it did mention it in the Spanner paper above and it did give a video presentation during the coronavirus pandemic last year about Colossus to help differentiate Google Cloud from its peers. The Andromeda virtual network stack in 2018. The Espresso edge routing software stack in 2017. The Jupiter custom datacenter switches in 2015. The Borg cluster controller in 2015 and again with the Omega scheduler add-on in 2016. The Spanner distributed database in 2012. Warehouse-scale computing as a concept in 2009.

earthnet google

The MapReduce analytics platform in 2004. This is one of those big moments when Google does something that makes everyone in the IT industry stop and think. Frustrated by the limitations of Ethernet, Google has taken the best ideas from InfiniBand and Cray’s “Aries” interconnect and created a new distributed switching architecture called Aquila and a new GNet protocol stack that delivers the kind of consistent and low latency that the search engine giant has been seeking for decades.

Earthnet google